Lesson 7: Mark- Chapter 6

First read Mark 6 all the way through.

The ‘Supernatural’ Acts and Events in Mark 6

Things you don’t see everyday:

Verse 5

-Healed a few sick in Nazareth.

Verse 7

-Gave Twelve authority over evil spirits.

Verse 13

-They drove out demons & healed many sick.

Verses 37-44

-Jesus feeds 5,000 men, plus women & children.

Verse 48:

-Jesus walking on the water.

Verse 51:

-Wind immediately dies down.

Verse 56:

-All who even touch Jesus are healed.

Notes and Commentary:

I.  Back to Nazareth- Verses 1-6

     Jesus teaches in his hometown synagogue. The people are amazed by his wisdom & his renown as a healer, and yet they are also offended.  You can just imagine what they might have been saying on that occasion:

“Who does this guy thing he is anyway, isn’t he just ‘the carpenter’ we always knew?  Now he thinks that he is some kind of ‘prophet’ or Rabbi.  We saw him grow up, he didn’t go to Temple school or nothing.  After all; his mother and brothers & sisters are all just regular folks like us– and besides, they all think that he’s crazy!”

     Jesus probably would have liked to help some of the people he knew growing up, but they did not ‘honor’ him or have any faith in his ministry.  He was only able to heal a few sick. Today we would think that was great. But what a disappointment for Jesus, to actually be rejected by those he was close to and the neighbors he had respected while growing up.

II.  Jesus Sends The Twelve On A Training Mission- Verses 7-13

     Verse 7

     a.  Jesus sent the Twelve out in two’s. At least with one companion they could support one another.

     b.  He gave them authority over evil spirits. Part of the mission was for the Twelve to do the same works that they had watched Jesus do.  Cast out demons & heal the sick.

     Verses 8-11:  Jesus gave the twelve authority and power to do the same works that he did.

I have heard some well meaning Christians propose that this should be the norm–missionaries stepping out without any clear planning or support. I have read some incredible testimonies about how God provided in the process. However, I don’t believe that Jesus was setting some kind of precedence here on how missionaries should be provided for. Later, at Gethsemane, he tells them to prepare & take all they have at their disposal, coats, money, swords & etc. (Luke 22:36).

I believe that Jesus is just giving his Apostles some needed experience & training here- by doing. The real lesson is that they can do the same works that Jesus did with his authority. A lesson that will come in handy once Jesus was gone.

     Verses 12-13:  Results:  They preached repentance, drove out demons, & healed many. Just like Jesus.

III.  John The Baptist Beheaded- Verses 14-29

     Verses 14-16:  Who is This Jesus? –A Prophet, Elijah, or John The Baptist?  Notice that ‘King’ Herod believed that Jesus must be ‘John’ back from the dead.–then vs. 17-28, tells the story of the beheading of John The Baptist.

     Verses 17-28: Tells the story of the beheading of John The Baptist. Notice how weak Herod actually was.  First he unwisely promises the girl ‘up to half my kingdom’.  Then he doesn’t back away from his promise, even though he really doesn’t want to have John killed.  Bottom line, he is more concerned about what his guests might think.

     Verse 29:  The disciples of John The Baptist bury him in a tomb.

IV.  Feeding of The 5,000 Plus- Verses 30-44

     Verses 30-32:  The disciples were reporting to Jesus about their missionary trip but they keep being disturbed by folk coming and going so they never had a chance to eat or complete their conversations.  Jesus suggested they go to a quiet place & rest.

     Verses 33-34:  Meanwhile a large crowd figured out where they were going and were waiting for them at the next location.  Jesus has compassion for them and taught them many things.

     Verses 35-37:  It was late in the day when Jesus finished his teaching, and everyone was hungry.  The disciples suggested that Jesus send the people away in order to get food.  Jesus tells them to feed the people.  The disciples are shocked–after all, it would take 8 months of wages to buy enough food to feed this huge crowd.

     Verses 38-40:  Jesus puts the disciples to work, first to find what was actually available (5 Loaves & 2 fishes) and next to divide up the people into groups and have them sit down.  ‘Groups of 100’s & 50’s’–similar to the divisions in the camp following Moses in the desert (Ex 18:21).

     Verse 41:  Jesus gave thanks to God & then divided the loaves & fishes among the twelve disciples.  It was the disciples that actually distributed the food, having a major part in the miracle.

Can you imagine how they felt when Jesus asked them to pass out the few morsels of food in the basket that each had to this huge crowd in front of them? Then how shocked they were when the little bit they had didn’t disappear but seemed to multiply as they handed it out and there was actually enough with more left over than had been there in the first place?

     Verses 42-44:  The results-

1. Everyone ate until they were full. 

2. There were twelve baskets full of leftovers. 

3.  There were 5,000 men in the crowd, this doesn’t count the thousands of women & children that were undoubtedly there and also ate with the men.

V.  Jesus Walks On the Water- Verses 45-52

     Verses 45-46:  Aftermath-

1.  Jesus sends the disciples to Bethsaida by boat. 

2.  He dismisses the crowd. 

3.  He then goes up into the mountainside to pray by himself. 

After a huge miracle, Jesus seeks to get recharged spiritually.  Many today, would choose to stay with the guys and celebrate after a successful ministry time. Wisdom & humility is demonstrated by Jesus here.

     Verses 47-52:  Jesus is walking on the lake, while the disciples are struggling to make headway in the boat. the wind is blowing and slowing their progress. They see him, but they don’t believe their own eyes.  Neither did they really accept the miracle they were actually party to–the feeding of thousands.  Even after all they’ve seen & participated in, the disciples still had so very little faith. 

Jesus tells them to have courage and not to be afraid.  He gets into the boat, and immediately the wind stops & it is clear sailing ahead. Again, they are amazed.  What an incredible day!

VI.  Those Even Touching The Clothes of Jesus Are Healed- Verses 53-56

     Verses 53-54:  They ended up Gennesaret.  Again the crowd recognized Jesus, he had become famous.

     Verses 55-56:  The sick were brought to him as they traveled throughout the region.  Notice, all who even touched the edge of his cloak were healed.  They must of heard about the woman who was healed by touching the hem of his garment. 

The level of faith among the people was raised to such a level that many were healed, by merely getting close to Jesus and touching him. What a far cry from the folks at Nazareth, where Jesus grew up, who were so unbelieving and actually offended by Jesus that nothing much had happened there.

-Read: Mark 7 for the next lesson.

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